picture of my site logo


A collection of logos I designed

  • Branding
  • Graphic Design
close-up of a flower lamp

B&W Photos

A collection of black & white photos I shot

  • Photography
  • Photoshop
a close up of some abstract blobs

3D Modeling

A collection of 3D models I rendered

  • 3D Modeling
  • Blender
hero image for prompt catalog

Prompt Catalog

A tool for saving writing prompts

  • SQL Databases
  • PHP
hero image for the location generator

US City Randomizer

A site to find obscure locations

  • JavaScript
hero image for the three act calculator

Three Act Calculator

A tool to help plan out storylines

  • UI Design
  • JavaScript
pixel art of a black cat

Old Pixel Art

My earliest digital artworks

  • Digital Art
  • Spriting
picture of a black cat sitting on a red chair

Cat Pictures

Photos of my pet cat

  • Photography