a close up shot of a martini glass, with the words Black & White Photography in front

B&W Photos

These black & white photos were for an intermediate photography course I took at Drexel. Here, I learned about how lighting, composition, and digital editing can be used to enhance the quality of my work. This collection is a sample of my favorite images.

the side of an apartment building a church at night a lamp that looks like a flower, illuminated in the darkness a shadow on the side of a college campus building the reflection of a crane off of a skyscraper a parking lot at night Philadelphia city hall, shot from a few blocks away a martini glass filled with water the base of a martini glass with a wet spill underneath the inside of a pair of headphones a glass filled with a dark liquid a house plant water droplets and bubbles on the side of a glass a table lamp in the darkness, illuminating a candle