hero image for prompt timer

The ASI Bulletin

The ASI Bulletin is a newsletter I established during my co-op at Art Sphere Inc. It was monthly newsletter meant to highlight the latest activities, events, and volunteer opportunities for both kids and adults. It has since become a quarterly publication but has otherwise remained the same. I created the visual assets in June 2021, and helped design, drafted, edited, and published each installment from July 2021 to October 2021.

Context & Challenges

Art Sphere Inc. is a Philadelphia-based non-profit dedicated to making arts and education accessible to all children. The Executive Director approached me in late-May 2021 to rebrand their existing newsletter into something that could be more child-friendly while still appealing to adults. The design had to be something that worked within their pre-made WordPress template and could be recreated with minimal effort.

a screenshot of the old ASI newsletter

Process & Insights

I started by thinking of ways I could incorporate Art Sphere’s brand identity into the newsletter. I was inspired by the unique, mixed-media art style they use in their marketing materials, so I wanted to pitch an idea that plays off it.

examples of Art Sphere's mixed media art style

After a brainstorming session, I came up with the concept of a “bulletin board” themed newsletter. I based it off my experiences in public schools, where they were often used to convey information to staff members while also appealing to kids through fun decorations. I drafted up a logo to share the concept.

the logo for the newsletter

The Executive Director was thrilled about it and wanted to see it expanded upon. I produced another visual to help communicate the skeuomorphic design language I was hoping to use for the project and shared it with the team.

the original bulletin board concept for the bulletin

Again, the idea was met with enthusiasm – so much so that the team wanted to see the idea quickly implemented for a June release. I helped the writing team draft up the release, and then created graphics to use as section headers.

a selection of header graphics I made for the bulletin

The time constraints prevented me from being able to fully refine the art style, so I look to create a proper style guide and template for it in the next release.

an updated version of the timer webpage with pause and stop controls

I created a template for the Bulletin Board, including drawing up custom assets and stickers to further decorate it..

a selection of corkboards I designed and illustrated

I also cleaned up the interface on the posts. I removed the corkboard texture to make it look professional, but I made a few choices to keep the analog material analogy.

a selection of corkboards I designed and illustrated


After taking in feedback from the team, I updated the visual style to tone down the box shadows and match the ASI colors better. After I left the Bulletin received smaller tweaks from different UI designers, but it has stayed the same for these past three years.

a high-fidelity version of the timer app